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No. Most of my content is free.

But I would still like you to subscribe. That helps me take time to write.

There will be some content reserved for paid members only, some rough drafts, and individual discussions.

Other products…

Here’s a book I wrote on timing. That is, how does timing impact the success of a product?

  • If you like the history parts of my unintended consequences posts, there’s plenty of history in this book.
  • If you like my focus on incentives, you’ll find that in the book too.
  • And if you like the frameworks I’ve brought out along the way of writing here, you’ll find those in the book as well.

    I’ve never seen anyone assess timing in a comprehensive way. That’s what I’m trying to do. If you like my unintended consequences posts, I think you’ll love the “why now” book. Here’s Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products.


If you like my unintended consequences writing, there’s something else more business focused that you might like. I wrote a book called Growth Units on unit economics. If you’re trying to better understand the way businesses work internally — focused on lifetime value and customer acquisition cost — I hope you take a look.